Contact with Torpedo Maquinaria

If you wish to contact your dealer or know Torpedo Torpedo nearest you, please call the phone (+34) 953 51 50 44 or complete the following form:

    I have read and accept the legal notice and the treatment and data protection.

    Responsible for the data: TORPEDO DESARROLLOS S.L. | Purpose: Respond to form requests | Legitimization: Your express consent | Recipient: TORPEDO DESARROLLOS S.L. (data stored only in email client) | Rights: You have the right to access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and forgetting your data

    Torpedo Desarrollos S.L.U.

    Autovía de Andalucía, km 318
    23740 ANDÚJAR (Jaén) · SPAIN

    Telf: (+34) 953 51 50 44


    mapa mini movil